Meet Shorn...

John Ewell and Shorn

Meet Shorn...

Shorn is one of the men that John has worked with closely on a regular basis for many years now. Over the years, John met with him in jail and continued to stay in contact with him after he was released. They still get together and encourage one another on a regular basis. John is very proud to call Shorn his friend.

Once Shorn accepted Christ he became on fire for the Lord and has stayed the way ever since. Shorn was able to talk to many people while he was in jail. He would talk about God any chance he could and introduced many people to Jesus and helped them to make the decision to accept the Lord themselves. Once Shorn was released, he continued to grow in his faith and shares God's love to whoever he comes in contact with.

Below is a short letter that Shorn wrote he wanted to share...

To the followers of Christ,

Hello, my name is Shorn Allen Cordoba. I was incarcerated in 2012 and I started attending Bible study classes where I met Pastor John. In one of the classes we became brothers in Christ. We began having Bible study classes once a week on individual level. We would talk about spiritual guidance, spiritual strength and belief of Gods. During my two year incarceration Pastor John would council me. He help strengthen me and my faith, then when I got out I had a couple of problems and he was there for me. When it came time to my sentencing in Court, John stayed in the court room until the end on my behalf, which helped a lot. When I got out he helped lead in my CPS situation. John and his family are still helping me with counseling for 7 years now.

Please pray for Shorn that he will stay strong in the Lord and continue to share the truth.

We also ask that you will continue to pray for Anchor Ministry. Pray that God will continue to give John the strength and the words he needs to keep sharing the Gospel everywhere he goes. Also, please pray that God will continue to provide for our financial needs so we can continue doing God's work.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing the in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of ages." Matthew 28:19-20