Walking in His Father's Footsteps
John has been in prison ministry for 10+ years. He leads Bible studies, meets with inmates one-on-one and helps support them when they get out of jail. He has such a passion for the brokenhearted, especially those that have been incarcerated. Over the years we have seen God do amazing things and change so many people's lives. We have been able to share these stories with so many different people but most importantly, our children have been able to see how God works and His faithfulness to us and others. They have definitely grown in their faith.
John has spent a lot of time talking with our kids about how to love everyone around them. He has also encouraged them to pray about what they can do to serve God on their own. Our oldest son, Tucker, chose to join a group called YWAM (Youth With A Mission). YWAM is an organization that travels all around the world with young adults to spread God’s word and love. YWAM has many different groups that tailor to the specific interests of the young adults. Since Tucker has a passion for skateboarding, he went with a group called Calling All Skaters, which has been a perfect fit for him. Not only does Tucker get to skate in amazing different places, he has been on the street talking to people about God and sharing his faith with others.
During YWAM, Tucker went through a DTS (Discipleship Training School) where the group took many different classes studying the Bible. Not only were they able to grow deeper in their faith but they were able to expand their knowledge of God in order to better share with others.
The group started in Spain and then went to Bosnia, Germany, Latvia and England. They have been able to do many different outreaches; sometimes they have BBQ’s for the community or they are cleaning up around the local parks. They try to connect with the community and serve the people however they are needed. During their outreach they have been able to build connections and friendships with many different people. This has opened so many doors for Tucker, and the others, to be able to share about God and His love for them. We know that God has been guiding their steps and leading them all in the right directions. It has been great to hear about all that they have done. It has also been awesome to see and hear how Tucker has been affected by this journey as well. We know God is doing great things for Tucker and all involved. Please pray for him, Calling All Skaters, and all of the people that they will come into contact with.
Tucker has always admired John's faith, his love for others, and the way he follows God wherever it may take him. After watching his dad minister to others and share God's word, Tucker knew he wanted to follow in his footsteps.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." -Matthew 16:24